The Shia Muslims believe in metaphorical and allegoric interpretation of religious sources like the Sufi Muslims, and unlike the orthodox Wahhabi Salafi Muslims who follow a literal interpretation. Decimation of Shia, who make up a strong 20% of population of Pakistan and serve in all important intuitions of the country will lead to further radicalization of Pakistan as a society and will create a nuclear armed Wahhabi state with ultra-orthodox politicos at helm that can unleash devastation in the region and worldwide. The anti-Shia militants work in alliance with global militant Islamists like Taliban and Al-Qaeda, they want to establish an orthodox Sunni caliphate and know very well that Shia are standing between them and their goal. This enables the genocide of the Shia but they will eventually go after the shrine going traditional Sufi/ Barelvi Muslims too in an attempt to turn Pakistan’s society and state into a purely Wahhabi Salafi state.Therefore, considering the gravity of the situation and the threat to Shia community in Pakistan and the world at large, we request the British Government and Human Rights Organisations to consider this issue at all possible platforms and exert pressure on Pakistan as a Common Wealth member state and also attempt to cut the financing of terrorism in Pakistan by Gulf states specially Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar.
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